
Project Compassion.

....this message will continue to be proclaimed after the beep....

...The world is calling for history makers; heaven calls them to make a difference in peoples lives
...People are suffering from disease, famine, natural disasters, war torn countries and the lack of the essential basics of life. They need you to do something!
...They need to know the name of God so they can call to for help, someone needs to tell them there is almighty God who delivered Israel out of slavery and gave them the promise land. Who sent his only son, to die for them so that they may be reconciled to Christ. And He wants them to live a life to the full and to receive the blessings from him and with him. He needs you to share this good news to people. The calling is to the compassionate heart, the calling is to you.

End message. beep.

Does putting a band-aid on the problem of famine, war, poverty etc by providing physically tangible needs 'only' work for long term? The difference in sharing the good news is detrimental...it changes lives and changes the situation. When God is in the picture, he changes the people of authority, peoples characteristic and lives, and from people, the situation is changed instead of placing band aid on it. Importantly it makes a eternal differences to those who hear and accept the good news.

There is a greater suffering then what we can see physically, there is a spiritually suffering and death. People need to know God. Will you rise up and respond to this calling people of God?