
Another way of sharing the need to know God (Nicky Gumbal - Alpha)

Ask a few questions as follows and allow time for pre-believer to respond.
1. Who do you think is perfect?
Try to get to the point that only God is perfect;

2. Can you name a few people who are considered good and bad morally, principally etc? And place them on the scale where they best fit. e.g. Mother Teresa quite good nearly there in perfection with kindness and compassion; e.g. Creditor always chasing after money no heart :)

Draw to the point that even the person we think most is perfect, or near perfect fall short of Gods standard. Hence that gap no matter how big or small, theres a gap. Everyone falls short of Gods standard and the consequence of this gap - sin (imperfection) is death. Eternally separated from God. So only through Jesus that gap is bridged and that we are able to come to God who is in heaven.

Q: What if i do good deeds, doesn't that entitled me to heaven?
A: No, there are some scriptures that speak about doing deeds only but no faith; Importantly draw on the point that a personal relationship with God is needed. E.g. Say a stranger comes up to your house and knocks at your door. Would you let the stranger in if you dont know them? Similiar we need to know God personally and invite him into our hearts.