
Interesting to see that people may have giftings, talents, knowledge and understanding about vast things in music, in fields of biomedical, physics, mechanics and philosophy and arts but it becomes meaningless if you dont have God in it. Even wealth, fame, beauty, power and popularity becomes meaningless when you dont have God.

In all of us, there is a God size vacuum in our hearts that only God can fill. People search and search for answers in life, filling their lives with accumulated wealth, with relationships, with achievements, with authority, and with other earthly things.

King Solomon was a smart man of his age and even to this day, his quotes are being used in main stream media and classes. He had everything but he said its meaningless. Until he really understood the meaning of life, when he understood that he needed to have a personal relationship with God.

We can be running around in circles in life, chasing cars from one end of the road to the next. Being lost in the crowd and feeling alone in it even though amongst millions of people. We can be doing great things in helping people, making world records, or getting to places of power. What God desires most is us, is to know us, not any sacrifices or any deeds, but to know us. To love us and to love him back. Thats the key to being fulfilled.