I practice tithing to God because:
* Tithing is a way of expressing my worship in a tangible way.
God is worthy of my all -- my best -- and so much more. Nothing
I could ever give would be sufficient, but that is no reason to
do nothing. The money I give is tangible evidence that I do
value God.
* The Lord promised blessing to those who tithe.
There are books full of testimonies from people -- even non-
Christians -- who put God to the test, as He challenges us in
Malachi 3:10, and found God faithful to prosper them, as He
* Tithing is an act of faith, which pleases God.
It takes faith to give when you don't have enough. Many people
do not tithe for this very reason; they are afraid God will not
come through and take care of them.
I have experienced miraculous provision many times. I can
testify that God is faithful, and will always, somehow, take
care of His children who trust Him.
Snippet from A Devotion