How to share this diagram (total of 2 minute sharing):
1. draw the circle "God/Man". Share that God created you and I for a personal relationship. Initially we were together with him (Genesis 1). Then draw the arrow that leads to eternal life with him.
2. draw the circle "Man". Because Man chose his own desires, disobeyed and sin against God. He fell and became alone. Explain what sin is e.g exclusion of God in our life, lie, cheat, steal etc
3. Explain that Man tries his best to bridge the gap with God again, but try as he may, it is never enough through good works, donations, religions, etc Everything falls short of it and the consequence is death, eternal separation from God. (Romans)
4 Draw one side of the cross only with the arrow pointing down to ME. Explain that since there is no way that man can bridge the gap, God so loved the word (John 3:16) he sent his only Son Jesus to die for our sins. This point is where you share your testimony, answer questions that they may have about God and Jesus. And ask them this is where you are at, would you like to accept Jesus into your life?
5 No, we don't complete the other half of the cross because they chose the line that goes to death
6 Yes, finish the other half line of the cross that connects back to eternal life. Ask person to say a prayer to acknowledge that Jesus died on the cross for his/her sins, and he has risen and that he/she will dedicate their life to follow him.
Thanks to Richard (Hope i did not miss out on anything :))