-God Loves you: John 3:16
-God wants you to know him: John 10:10, John 17:3
Point 2: Man is sinful and guilty before God, who is perfect and just. Sin has separated man from God and the relationship between them is broken
-What is sin? God created u to know and love him. But we have failed to love and obey God and have gone our own way. We show this independence by being hostile or apathetic towards God. This attitude is what the bible calls sin. Romans 1:18-21 and Isaiah 53:5,6
-Who has sinned? Romans 3:23
-What is consequence of sin? Romans 6:23
-The death spoken of here is spiritual separation from God. The diagram with God being Holy and man being sinful illustrates the great gulf separates the two. The arrows indicate mankind trying to bridge this gulf in an attempt to find security and satisfaction through such things as wealth, religion or relationships. However, all attempts will eventually fail because they do not deal with the problem of sin.
Point 3: Jesus Christ is God's only solution for man's sin. Through him you can have a personal relationship with God
-He is unique: God and man in same person John 17:5, 8:58, Isaiah 9:6, Hebrews 1:3
-Fulfills prophecies made centuries before he came Luke 24:27
-He claimed to be sinless and backed it up by the way he lived John 8:46, 1 Peter 2:22
-He came back from dead just as he said he would Luke 9:22, 1 Co 15:3-6
-He died in our place 1 Peter 3:18, Romans 5:8
-He rose from the dead Acts 2:32
-The resurrection of Jesus Christ shows us that: He is son of God Romans 1:4; God has accepted his death as the complete payment for our sins Acts 13:34-39
-He is the only way to God John 14:6
-Diagram of cross that bridges Holy God and Sinful man "We are condemned to death because of our sin; but God sent his Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross in our place. Thus he has bridged the gulf that separates us from him by dealing with the problem of sin. Therefore we can have a personal relationship with God and receive his forgiveness"
Point 4: We must each respond to Jesus Christ by placing our trust in him as our saviour and Lord. Then we can know God personally.
-This involves: agreeing with God that we are sinful and deciding to turn from our sin (Repentance) Acts 2:36-38 ; Trusting Jesus Christ to forgive us completely because he died for our sins (Faith) Romans 10:9,10
-The relationship is a gift of God and begins when we put our trust in Christ Ephesian 2:8,9
-The relationship is personal John 1:12
You can place your trust in Jesus Christ by expressing your faith through prayer. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as he is with the attitude of your heart. Here is a suggested prayer:
"Lord Jesus, I realise that i have been running my own life and have sinned against you. Thank you for dying for my sins. I want to be the kind of person you want me to be. I receive you as my saviour and Lord. Thank you for giving me eternal life"
Could you say this to God and mean it?
If so, pray this prayer now, and you will become a child of God as he promised.
Campus Crusade
If not, or you are not yet sure, consider that you are responsible to God for your decisions John 3:18