It really feels that way as 2007 passed by, felt that there has been many adventures, many things that has happen over this year that made it quite eventful and significant. Lead caregroup in young adults, joined the evangelism region in darebin, formed many great relationships with people in university+church+strangers->friend, help play a role in pioneering a new church, publish a paper in ISSNIP with my understanding supportive project-partner, and many more...
But I guess today there was one thing that I was letting go off...I picked up the guitar at the beginning of 2007 and started playing since then. I bought a guitar that i really liked called les paul epiphone black beauty 3 that year from a music production manager and today I had to sell it to a band called the curious few. The guitar looks like...
Tomorrow my BOSS GT3 will be sold too as I just got email from a person interested in it and will purchase it for the price i put. God really provides and brings the buyers when you need them, as my previous experience took me a month to sell my fender guitar and another for my V.O.X amp.

Now I am guitarless except with the borrowed guitar from future, not anytime soon, I hope to get a guitar that i moment fender telecaster looks good but also an acoustic electric might be good to. But one can only think about it now :)
I trust in the Lord, he is my provider, supplier and multiplier. He will forever bless his people in the days to come. A story that i recall quite often to remind myself this is...
A father and son went to McDonalids one evening and the father ordered the Happy Meal for his son. The Happy meal consisted of a burger, some fries and small coke. As the father drove away, he leaned over and took a few fries from his son. His son grabbed his hand and looked angrily at the father blurting out, "these are my fries, you cant have any!" and he started to cry....The father however didnt want the fries but wanted to teach the son a lesson. He wanted to let the son know that he is the one who provided the fries for him in the first place, the one who supplied it to him, and the one that can multiply it if its not enough for him (by buying more).
If only the son knew this, he would give to the father back as he is the source of providence. For only when he recognize the father as this then he knows everything belongs to the father. He giveth and taketh and he will provide for all the needs of his children.