Humans defy God: Before long, however the first person had turned their backs on God, and today is still the same. The result is God's judgement Romans 5:12
Promise of a new start: God then unfolded across the centuries a rescue plan for his world, pointing ultimately to the sending of a great Savior Jeremiah 31:31 and 33
Judgement: The final destiny of those who continue to reject God is his rejection of them. He condemns all who remain outside his rescue plan Acts 17:30 and 31
Life Jesus: True to plan, God's son came as promised died for sinners, rising again and winning eternal life for all who trust in him, even today Romans 4:25
John 14:6 "the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the father but for me"
To become a Christian: Accept and act upon God's message in the bible: Acknowledge past failure to treat God properly. Surrender your life to his loving authority, Rely on Jesus alone for acceptance by God.
A short prayer of acceptance and forgiveness: "Dear God, I admit i have tried to ignore you and resisted your right to be in charge. i no longer want to live that way. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that his death is the grounds of forgiveness for sinners as a free gift, and that he rose again. I commit from this day forward to follow Jesus as my Lord and Saviour, trusting and obeying him in the knowledge that I am eternally secure in your kingdom. Amen"
Written by Kim Hawtry (Pilgrim International)