Disclaimer: This is only a description / tips to chairing role, so don't be restricted to the form but allow the Holy Spirit to free flow. And allow discernment of Gods leading in chairing :)
It is a honor, privilege and responsibility to take the role as chairperson since the first meeting point with members and visitors is the chairperson. So the chairperson should be welcoming and joyful, have a good life example, so that we can be good ambassadors for Christ . Therefore the role should not be taken lightly and we should prepare as much as we can and leave the rest up to God.
Preparation of the heart is needed in the week leading into the role, as we must ask God to forgive us if we have done anything wrong, get into his word, pray and seek for God's anointing. The heart attitude and our countenance needs to be consistent with God even though we may go through difficult situation that week. Because we know that our God is sovereign and guides in times of trouble, and provides in times of need, heals the sick and sets the bondage free.
Another thing to take note of is that the chair person should know the roles of other people in the group for the week that they are leading (speak to Facilitator for info of roles). And make sure that everyone is prepared and know what they are suppose to do on the day of group discussion. This can be done through emailing respective people and ensuring they are prepared. Another email that is needed is to inform members and visitors of the venue and time, perhaps include the word of God to uplift people during the week and perhaps encourage members to bring friends to small group.
On the day, pray before starting and commit the rest into Gods hand. Below is somewhat a format that I think is quite good for university students.
4:00-4:15 Chairperson to welcome visitors and members, get people mingling and comfortable
4:30-4:40 Ice breaker, can be showing a short video, a role play, a game or anything that helps people feel comfortable to be themselves. "Opening the door to their hearts"
4:40-5:00 Praise and worship time where chair person can either share short message before, in free worship, or at the end with prayer. If there is a word from members, they should normally speak to chairperson before sharing but as a small group, it is more flexible. Hence when someone shares word of encouragement: (1) re-affirm the word that person shares if it speaks to you by summarizing it and asking people if they want to respond (2) if the word may be misleading or not full, correct it so misunderstanding is not there in a appropriate way. This part is to "soften and prepare the heart" of people to receive the word
5:00-5:10 Announcement, testimony, "Connect journal" sharing, news, and get ready for discussion; buffer time
5:10-6:15 Discussion time where it is passed onto the discussion leader gracefully. This time is for the "word to fall on peoples heart".
6:15 -> If there are events such as dinner, invite and encourage people to join, for those who are seeking more, can stay back and share more. For those who are leaving, remember to get the contact or ask member to help get contact of visitor. If it was a larger group for discussion broken down to smaller maybe its good to come together again and do something together to end the night. This is only a suggestion to create unity and flow, can be thruogh another worship song or prayer.
With all that is said, its not meant to be rigid or strict but to allow the flow of the night to be more smooth. Try avoiding using statements such as "now this is the time for games" etc because it does not build continuity and becomes formal. Be creative and personalize the style and the best way to learn is on hands experience. So feel free to ask question as well as for feedback :)