
Faith Alone

Why cant good works save us?

1. Good works cant cancel your sin, but sin ruins your good works. Suppose you invite me over for breakfast and offer to fix a three-egg omelet. As you begin to cook, I smell a putrid odor coming from kitchen. Whats the awful smell? Its just a rotten egg. But you added a few good eggs to cancel out the rottenness. Do you think i will would eat the breakfast? Not for a million dollar. Because goodness doesnt cancel rotteness, but rottenness ruins goodness. The same is true in spiritual realm. You can't be good enough to cancel out the putrid effect of your sin.

2. Good works can't save you because God doesnt grade on a curve. He demands perfection. It takes one sin to send you to hell. Let's suppose you somehow commit 3 sins a day for entire life, thats impossible because before getting out of bed in morning you'd probably committed much already. That would be more than 1000 sins a year and you leave up to 70yrs. Say if those sins were speeding tickets, you'd end up in jail for long they would throw away the key. Do you think God is any different?

3. Good works can't save you because you can never good enough, long enough. Just when u get a good streak going, you sin and have to start all over again.

4. you can never be you've done enough. Religious people have no assurance of their salvation. They believe being good will get them to heaven. But as we've already seen, we can never do enough to pay for our own sins.

5. Good works can't save you because if they could, you wouldn't need Jesus. Its either all by Jesus or all by your own efforts, there is nothing in between.

This means there is nothing you can do to add to the work of Christ. It stands compelte on its own. You either accept it or reject it.

Where do you stand with God today? Have you been justified by faith alone?

The way of excellence faith - Ray Pritchard