

How to play the drum?

Image As we know, the Drum is in the group of rhythm instrument, duty is to make timing to be perfect order. Our duty is How to play well for GOD? This is a question for all of spiritual musician. Surely, we could have a good spirit, good skills and a last is good discipline to practice.

I would like to share my personally principles. which have 2 parts first is principles second is my tactics.

Part I Principles

1. Relationship

It is an important part of the successful team who want to serve in this ministry. With the deep relationship among us that changed the difficult thing to be easy thing. As you know, the Bangkok Worship team has been served GOD together over 17 years, I can tell you that we knew each others and understands what they gonna do next. Seem like a family, we have the same blood same spirit of worship, we have mission to led people to worship GOD and proclaim his glory to all nation.

In the Bible has showed as about family who have serve GOD with their Skill 1 Chronicle 25:1-7 told as about 3 families that King David chooses to play music in his tabernacle each family very exported in each instrument. Relation between brothers and sisters will help them serve well in worship ministry.

2. Sense in God's Spirit

To have very good sense in God’s spirit is the important things of all Christian musicians. My opinion, for Christian the sense could be a positive way. The positive senses come from how much to have relationship with God? Bible say in 1 Corinthians 2:10 “ but GOD has revealed it to us by his Spirit” See it’s not because of outside encourage factor, but from inside us. The Holy Spirit will show us how to play drum well. Our job is to prepare our sense for receiving the Holy Sprit‘s message. And the Holy Spirit is not for only one person but for everyone in team 1 Corinthian 12:7, say that

PART II My 7 tactics

1.During play the drums you must make yourself joyfully, change your mind from sorrow or sadness.

2.Cut off all the things that disturb you, then you can concentrate to the drum.

3. Intend to play, not just to play but have responsibility to the brothers and sisters in church.

4. You can used 50% from your personal skills and others 50% should come from Holy Spirit. Not 100% from yourself. Believe me allow God to help you play.

5. Prepare yourself by worship and pray, Start your good day by worship and pray to our God.

6.Play as your last chance, if today were your last day in the world what would you like to do for God? Do it then! Play as a last day every time your have chance to do.

7. Play with LOVE and LOVE to play, 1 Corinthian 13:1-13 talking about love without love, we can do nothing. By Love our ministries will complete.

Thanks to International Lets Worship